Saturday, September 13, 2008


Did I mention that classes last five hours on Saturdays and Sundays? I'm loving what I'm learning, but here's to the marathon. It could also be because I'm on Day 7 of the fast...a fast with no end in sight(?) I haven't experienced any faintness or weakness. I'm still waiting to pass something utterly terrifying, God forbid.

One thing I applaud is the organization of class so far. A few yogi instructor friends of mine have complained about their teacher training programs lacking continuity. We have a clearcut routine of asana on the weekends. Of course, there's enough variety to remain stimulated. We learned a few externally rotated (in the anatomically rotated sense) standing poses today. I should be clear - rotation is, apparently, the orientation of the pelvis to the hips. They included trikonasana (triangle pose), virabhadrasana 2 (warrior 2), and vrksasana (tree pose).

It was great to actually begin physical corrections on people - I'm totally graceless, but I want to have the Midas touch as a yogi! Not surprisingly, the instructors explained, lots of yogis are pretty fickle when it comes to being touched by an instructor. They're probably the same people in the throes of obsession with hyper-capitalist sports like the Ohio State v. USC football game...

Guess I'm a ham, I say "let 'er rip!".

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