Friday, November 7, 2008

the strategy

I regret that I've not recorded as much about my teacher training this week. I have been setting the liberation of all souls as my intention in yoga classes, and as a general daily intention.
There is a movement now gaining traction - people are clearly furious and ready to put heat on the gay marriage ban in California. I encourage anyone local, or anyone who can make it to Los Angeles to come support civil rights. We are the impetus for change. It's great that the passage of prop 8 has motivated thousands of people to take to the streets.

There is a rally tomorrow, Saturday Nov. 8th beginning at 6pm at the Sunset Junction.
To get there, take the Red Line train, exit Sunset & Vermont - walk east.

3700 Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90026

I hope to see all of you there.

There's a directory to events all over the U.S. on Queerty, too!

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